Never try to download website yourself. In 99.9% cases you’ll fail to download it correctly!
We are offering unique facility to download any data/files/website on internet and get it delivered to your e-mail id or in a DVD to your address in India.
As a thumb rule, any website content which does not require Login/Password, or say "I Agree" agreements can be freely & legally copied for personal offline browsing. The web address will be checked against our strict data screening policy. Following will be implicitly allowed:
As a thumb rule any website which allows public to share data, files, music, photos or any copyrighted material free of charge will not be accepted. Following will not be accepted:
We will scan the downloaded data and before dispatch to you, we will remove the following files:
Any content which can be reached only from a page which requires clicking a "Submit" button will not be downloaded by us. This is technical software & human limitation. In programming terminology any page which directed from any button thru "POST" method ( as against to "GET" method) will be skipped and will not be downloaded by us.
If you specify us any web address with explicit copyright/legal or privacy issues knowingly, we will cancel your order and forfeit the amount( Rs. 200).
If we do not process your order we will refund you full Rs. 200 advance paid. Everything else is non-refundable. Please see that we do not have control over the websites which are down, very slow( especially government websites) or may even disallow us to access their web pages( for example Election Commission website: eci.gov.in). We will not be able to refund your amount once our processing starts. During the time we start downloading the site must be up and responsive.
You will get all the content which can be downloaded and allowed by the remote web server of the specified web address.
We will not scan the files for virus and malwares.
You must agree to use the downloaded data only for offline browsing purpose; that is when you want to access a website when live internet connection is not available to you.