Click on this sample pin code excel listing image
For Rs. 2850 total also get exact copy of Pin Code database at Indian Postal website: http://www.indiapost.gov.in/pin . This is different version and format (containing around 155,000 records) compared to the pin code directory mentioned below.
Those who have purchased Pin Code database from us during 1st Nov 2012 till 18th May 2015 will get this database free of cost!
Buy from us all India the latest( as of 2015) pin code directory/database containing more than 150,000 records in excel documents.
This is a genuine pin code database(2015) used by Indian Postal Service. Please see that this is the latest release of Indian pin code directory since 2015.
Remember only Indian Postal service is the complete authority on pin code preparation and maintenance.
Get it delivered to your e-mail id.
Complete guarantee of its authenticity or FULL money back!
We can also add city names for each pin code but for any custom work extra charges will apply.
Call now 09759 2800 59 if you've any questions!
For Pincode database
I am interested in purchasing the pin code database. But i want update data till 2013 & All India all district (number 675) & All Tehsil ( approximate 8000+)..please reply me & it is data with std code tehsil wise ..
want to purchase the pin code data base
Dear Sir,
I am interested to purchase the pincode database. In this regard kindly provide following information.
1. In which format the data would be available, we r interested in excel format.
2. Till when the data is updated.
3. How do we get the incremental updates.
1) It is in Excel 2) It is
1) It is in Excel
2) It is updated till 2008 and is the latest one
3) We don't provide incremental updates
need pin code
need pin code data base
Need to pincode database
Hello Sir,
I am interested in purchasing the pin code database. I need to design my server application which on back end will process according to the location of caller.
Please contact me back on 8800203456.
Ok please contact us.